The Plaza Wikia

Codes are used for to get free items, and money. You can get codes from There is also a unique secret code for everyone. Codes can be redeemed at the bottom center of the main menu.


Codes Reward Status
Widgeon Flying Grumman Expired
Aegis Aegis Pistol Showcase Expired
HappyHolidays Holiday Tree Expired
CODE????(see below) Model Lighthouse Valid

How to obtain your secret code

Enter the train from the spawn area and get out when it reaches the end. Turn to the place facing the lighthouse. Now go to the lighthouse and just wait there. If it is morning, wait until it is night. If it is already night, to be safe, wait till it's morning and night again. Now get a pen and a piece of paper ready. The code begins to show when the light from the lighthouse blinks. If the light blinks for long, write '-' to your paper. If the light just flash, write '.' to your paper. Now look at this picture on the right.

1200px-International Morse Code

Refer all the stuff you wrote on your paper to the picture. For example, if I wrote- ‘-.-. --- -.. . .---- ..... ...-- ----.’It translates to CODE1539. Do the same thing. (Everyone’s code is unique) You have successfully decoded your secret code!
